I know of a modern-day knight
who every day gets up and fights
exhaust-spewing dragons,
of mincemeat they’d make him,
were it not for his quick steed, the bike.
who every day gets up and fights
exhaust-spewing dragons,
of mincemeat they’d make him,
were it not for his quick steed, the bike.
My husband’s round-trip commute: 9.5 miles.
The time it took him to rescue me when I locked myself and the baby and a cart-full of groceries out of the minivan: 15 minutes.
Level of his annoyance on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being extremely irritated: 2
His favorite piece of gear: Dinotte road light 200L-AA-S and battery charger.
The price: $160
My favorite piece: The balaclava.
The price: $15
Photo courtesy of Libby.
Why we won’t buy a second car: For God, king and country, of course.
A superhero indeed. If I had the means, I’d give him one of these sweet rides, made right here in my neighborhood:
Keep fighting the reduced-emissions fight!
Oh, Rachael!! The fifteen minutes must have been complete torture..Your man certainly is a good father and husband. I hope the baby was alright.~ k